Email Marketing for Dentists

Email marketing is a great way to keep your patients updated with news, specials, events, and important information in general. Dental Critic’s email marketing campaigns are customized and specially designed to go out to your current patient list, ensuring they are notified of any relevant events or upcoming specials. This is an excellent way to improve your patient retention rates, as every single email that goes out to your patients will remind them to return to your office for a cleaning or checkup. Here at Dental Critic, we understand proper etiquette when it comes to email marketing, which means we won’t inundate your patients with too many emails.

We have a lot of experience working with dentists, in particular, and have been able to find the right balance between sending out emails that inform patients, without annoying them and causing them to hit ‘unsubscribe’.

It is our goal to do everything we can (in the realm of digital marketing) to turn people into long-term patients. Brand loyalty is of the utmost importance to us, and this extends to our work with dental clinics. While there are numerous other smart digital marketing tactics out there today, we believe in the effectiveness of email marketing. Truth be told, email has one of the highest conversion rates out there, and given the fact 91% of smartphone users check their email at least once a day, it is no wonder why email marketing has become so popular.

Email Marketing for Dentists

Our email newsletters give dental clinics a way to connect with their patients, without throwing too much at them. We only send out emails to current patients and do so in a well-planned, strategic manner. Some of the email marketing services we provide include:

  • Custom branded email templates
  • Thoughtful content crafted by expert copywriters
  • Detailed reports
  • Tracking and monitoring
  • Autoresponder options

We know how busy you are running your dental practice, which is why we are here to take some of the stress away from you. Our email marketing services can be used for a wide range of reasons, including reminding patients about upcoming appointments or any specials you have going on. It is our goal to keep people informed and encourage them to visit your practice time and time again. Email is a wonderful way to build and maintain patient relationships, as long as it is done the right way. Our email campaigns are concise, straightforward, and to the point, doing away with all the unnecessary fluff that so many people hate.

When used in conjunction with other digital marketing strategies, dental email marketing is quite effective. These specialized campaigns are timely and build upon the strong branding and image that your practice has worked so hard to create. Many of our dental clients have experienced high response rates and action through our emails, newsletters, and e-blasts. To learn more about this specific service and how it can be used either on its own or with another of our dental marketing strategies, please contact Dental Critic today.